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发布时间: 2021-03-14 13:11:08

『壹』 运费需要多少钱用英语怎么说

How much is the freight?
How do you charge frieight?
运费: freight

『贰』 为什么运费比以前贵这么多英文怎么说

I'd like to find out why the shipping cost has increased so much lately (while gas prices are falling).


『叁』 英语翻译,“运费太贵,先不买了。”不要翻译机

The freight costs so much, I decide not to buy it now.

『肆』 运费价格贵吗或者运费几个高吗 请问英文怎么翻译

网络输入 在线翻译 就OK了 把想翻译的汉字输入进去就能看到英译。呵呵~~~
Freight price expensive?

『伍』 英文翻译 你好 朋友 为什么运费这么贵,我可能无法承受。

Hello, friend!
Why is the freight cost so high?
Maybe I can't afford.

『陆』 运费最便宜用英语怎么说

The shipment costs the least.



『柒』 关于运费的外贸英语你知道多少

Who will bear the extra freight charges?


Please quote your current tariffs.


Freight for shipment from Shanghai to Hongkong is to be charged to your account.


The bill of lading should be marked as "freight prepaid".


Words and Phrases

transport charge 运输费

cargo freight 运费

carriage 运费

carload rate 整车运费

carriage expense 运费

carriage free 免收运费

carriage paid 运费已付

carriage forward 运费待付

cartage 搬运

cartage note 搬运费率

Liner's freight tariff 班轮运价表

Basic Rate 基本运费率

Heavy Lift Additional 超重附加费

Over Length Additional 超长附加费

transportation expenses 运输费用

A.V. (Ad. Val) 从价运费

cash and carry 现付自运

Freight ton 运费吨

Weight ton 重量吨

Measurement ton 尺码吨

『捌』 价格太贵了用英语怎么说

你好,很高兴为你解答: Altough it is a little expensive, it is still very valuable. 另外,想说另一位的回答有点小问题,price 只能用high low来形容专 希望能帮上属你,欢迎追问,满意望采纳。

『玖』 英语翻译 请帮忙翻译这段话:能否提供其他运输方式,52usd的运费太贵了.

Can you provide us with other methods of delivery?US$52 for transportation is too expensive.

『拾』 “运费可能会很贵”英语怎么说

  • 运费可能会很贵英文:Freight may be very expensive。

  • 运费

    freight;carriage; transportation expenses; fare; freightage;

    运费待收:freight to be collected;

    付运费:内pay freight;

    回程[国内]运费:home freight;

    现行运容费:the current freight;

  • 可能会

    likely;might be;

    likely:可能的;适合的;有希望的;可能;或许; 大概;多半;

    might:表示可能; 表示许可; 表示询问情况; 力气力量; 威力; 权;

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