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发布时间: 2021-03-07 12:39:56

『壹』 我会尽快了解海运费的价格.用英语怎么说

I will get to know the see freight asap.

『贰』 下周海运费涨价用英语怎么说

Sea freight will increase next week.

『叁』 商务的英语翻译,关于海运费的,不要机器的~~谢谢大家

This morning I made sure about the ocean freight with the transportation agent. The price is a little lower. Thinking of the time needed for proction and customs, I decide to board the ship of September 20. The ocean freight is USD300.00.
The total payment is USD4900.00 . Since you have paid us USD2000.00, USD2600.00 is OK for the left when we finish the proction.
We'll notice you the changes of the ocean freight when you place the next order.

『肆』 海运费差价 英语怎么说

freight difference

『伍』 海运费英文怎么写

ocean freight;
Normally, the seller is obligated to prepay the ocean freight.

『陆』 海运费用英语怎么表达

Ocean Feight,简写O/F

『柒』 海运费用中港杂费的英文怎么表达


accepting bank 承兑银行
accepting house 承兑行
actual tare 实际皮重
actual weight 实际重量
ad valorem freight 从价运费
ad walorem dity 从价税
advice of shipment 装运通知 ,装船通知
air bill of lading 空运提单
air freight 空运单
air freight charge 航空运费
air waybill 航空运单
airport of departure 始发站
airport of destination 目的站
art. No. 货号
at sight 即付
authorized agent 指定的代理人

banker's bill 银行汇票
bearer 持票人
bill of lading 提单
booking list 订舱清单,装货订舱表

cargo in bulk 散装货
cargo insurance 货物运输保险
case No. 箱号
cash against bill of lading 凭提单付款
cash against delivery 货到付款
cash against shipping documents 凭单付款
cash and delivery 付款交货,货到付款
certificate of origin 产地证明书,原产地证明书
certificate of quality 货物品质证书,质量证书
certificate of quantity 货物数量证明书,数量证书
chargeable weight 计费重量
charges 费用
clean bill of lading 清洁提单
commission 佣金
commodity code 商品编码
compensation 赔偿,补偿
complaint 投诉
conditions of carriage 货运条件
confirmation 确认
confirmed credit 保兖信用证
confirming bank 保兖银行
confirming house 保付商行
consignee 收货人
consignee's address 收货人地址
consignment agent 寄售代理人
consignment agent 寄售代理人
consignment business 寄售业务
consignment contract 寄售合同
consignment invoice 寄售发票
consignment note 发货通知书
consignment sales 寄售
consignor 发货人 ,寄售 人
consular invoice 领事签证发票,领事发票
container 集装箱,包装容器
container bill of lading 集装箱提单
container depot 集装箱装卸
container-carrying vessel 集装箱船
containerize 用集装箱发运
cost,insurance and freight(CIF) 成本,保险加运费事(价),到岸价
coumtry of origin 生产国别,原产国
coverage 保险范围
crstoms bonded warehouse 海关保税仓库
crstoms ty rate 关税税率
customs declaration 报关单
customs drawback 海关退税
customs ty 关税
customs entry 进口报关
customs formalities 海关手续
customs free depot 海关免税仓库
customs house 海关
customs import tariff 海关进口税则
customs invoice 海关发票
customs quota 关税配额
customs valustion 海关估价

date of arrival 到达日期
date of delivery 交货日期
date of shipment 装船日期/装运期
delivered ty paid 完税后交货价
delivered ty unpaid 未完税交货价
delivery alongside the vessel 船边交货
description 品名,商品名称
direct steamer 直达船
dirty bill of lading 不清洁提单
discharging port 卸货港口
documentary acceptance 跟单扥收
documentary bill 跟单票据,跟单汇票
documentary collection 跟单托收
documentary credit 跟单信用证
documentary draft 跟单汇票
documents against acceptance(D/A) 承兖交单
documents against payment after sight(date) 远期付款交单
documents against payment(D/P) 付款交单
draft at sight 即期汇票

entry for warehousing 存仓报单
entry of goods inward 申报进口
entry of goods outward 申报出口
export bill of lading 出口提单
export control 出口管制
export credit 出口信贷
export documents 出口单据,出口单证
export ty 出口税
export license 出口许可证
export prumit 出口许可证
export quota 出口配额
export subsidy 出口补贴
exportation 出口
exporter 出口商
export-processing free zones 加工出口自由(关税)区
extra premium 额外保费
EXW/ex works 工厂交货价
报关费---Charges of Customs declaration
拖卡费---Trucking fee
港杂费---THC--Terminal Handing charges
单证费--Documentation charge
电放费--Telex release charge
场站费--Terminal Surcharges
设施保安费。。instrument guarvement charge

『捌』 请问海运费具体包括哪些啊用英文怎么表示

1\欧地的一般就是海运费+BAF(燃油附加)+CAF(货币损益费)+THC,在每年的6/7月到11月或者次年元版月期间节权会有PSS(旺季附加费),在某些时候有OWS(超重费),在某些时候(如行情特别旺)还有设备费(TCP)如:小箱设备费:是为了缓解小箱缺少而加收的费用.有的港口可能会有港口拥挤费如(PCS):圣彼德堡;有些港口可能会有战争附加险如以色列的海法.目前还有苏伊士运河中转费,当然非基本港口要有中转费的;同时兄弟你要注意到欧洲的黑海和地中海的船公司条款,有的船公司条款是CY/CY 有的是CY/FO你要问清楚啊!比如COSCO到CONSTANTA就是CY/FO条款,但MSK ZIM等到这里却是CY/CY那么你要选COSCO你到目的港后客人还要付港口卸船费的!!

『玖』 运费 用英语怎么说啊

freight是运费,海运运费是ocean freight,空运运费可以叫air freight,快递费可以叫express freight.

『拾』 海运费 英文缩写是什么


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