Ⅰ 英语合同中运输方式怎么说
Mode of transportation in contract
合同中arbitral clause
运输方式type of shipping;mode of transport
Ⅱ 求 国际货物运输合同 英文版!!谢谢
Ⅲ 求中英文货物运输合同范本 可以发邮件[email protected]
(简称甲方)委托 交通厅海运局(简称乙方)计划外托运 (货物),乙方同意承运。根据《经济合同法》和 海上运输管理规定的要求,经双方协商,特订立本合同,以便双方共同遵守。
第一条 运输方法
乙方调派 吨位船舶一艘(船舶 吊货设备),应甲方要求由 港运至 港,按现行包船运输规定办理。
第二条 货物集中
甲方应按乙方指定时间,将 货物于 天内集中于港,货物集齐后,乙方应在5天内派船装运。
第三条 装船时间
甲方联系到达港同意安排卸货后,经乙方落实并准备接收集货(开集日期由乙方指定)。装船作业时间,自船舶抵港已靠好码头时起 小时内装完货物。
第四条 运到期限
船舶自装货完毕办好手续时起于 小时内将货物运到目的港。否则按货规第3条规定承担滞延费用。
第五条 启航联系
乙方在船舶装货完毕启航后,即发报通知甲方做好卸货准备,如需领航时亦通知甲方按时派引航员领航,费用由 方负担。
第五条 卸船时间
甲方保证乙方船舶抵达 港锚地,自下锚时起于 小时内将货卸完。否则甲方按超过时间向乙方交付滞延金每吨时0.075元,在装卸货过程中,因天气影响装卸作业的时间,经甲方与乙方船舶签证,可按实际影响时间扣除。
第七条 运输质量
乙方装船时,甲方应派员监装,指导工人按章操作,装完船封好舱,甲方可派押运员(免费一人)随船押运。乙方保证原装原运,除因船舶安全条件所发生的损失外,对于运送 货物的数量和质量均由甲方自行负责。
第八条 运输费用
按 水运货物一级运价率以船舶载重吨位计货物运费 元,空驶费按运费的50%计 ,全船运费为 元,一次计收。
港口装船费用,按 港口收费规则有关费率计收。卸船等费用,由甲方直接与到达港办理。
第九条 费用结算
本合同经双方签章后,甲方应先付给乙方预付运输费用 元。乙方在船舶卸完后,以运输费用凭据与甲方一次结算,多退少补。
第十条 本合同正本一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份,副本一式 份,交 等部门各存一份备案。本合同如有未尽事宜,由双方按照 交通厅海上运输管理的有关规定充分协商,作出补充规定。补充规定与本合同具有同等效力。本合同提交 公证处公证(或工商行政管理机关鉴证)。
甲 方: (盖章) 乙 方: (盖章)
代 表 人: (签章)
帐 号:
年 月 日订立
Ⅳ 委托运输合同中英文都要。谢谢。可以给我一下吗
Ⅳ 求航空运输合同中英文版的
Ⅵ 关于货运合同,哪位大侠能帮我翻译成英文
I, entrusted with the Deputy
1.1 entrust Party A Party B as the sale of its international cargo transport agents, contractors B delivery of the goods booking agents, customs agents, the agents removable box, storage agent, agent-equipped ships in Hong Kong, and other business;
1.2 Party A Party B as an international freight forwarder
Second, the rights and obligations of both sides
2.1 Party A Party B shall, in accordance with the instructions indicate that freight, B for the provision of booking, customs declaration, removable box, storage, distribution Hong Kong-ship agency services.
2.2 Party A Party B shall, in accordance with the requirements to provide shipping information, dynamic information on the Carriage of Goods, two-way ship to ship information.
2.3 B in a timely manner in accordance with an agreement to pay Party A sea freight rates and fees, payment for 100% of the pre-paid;
2.4 ring the performance of the agreement, in the event of changes to freight carrier to increase the lead to additional costs, such as A and B both sides agreed the price changes, Party A Party B should be notified immediately, since B received the notice from the date of the decision within one business day to pay the increase Money back to do to deal with customs or other processing, not to be notified of the Party B, Party A shall be dealt with in accordance with the normal shipment at the expense of the B commitment.
Party A Party B performance of 2.5 matters entrusted to the process, change the requirements of Party B, the commission revoked the matter should be compensation for losses suffered by the Party, therefore, bear the Party and therefore pay the cost.
2.6 as a result of non-Party A Party B and their causes of the goods can not be a normal delivery, cargo damage worse, no single Fanghuo, delay in delivery, delivery, and other improper circumstances, Party A Party B should be carried out with claims and to provide non-binding Advice, consequences and costs borne by the B.
Third, the responsibility for breach of contract
3.1 any breach of this Agreement shall agree to pay liquidated damages to each other, the maximum penalty of not more than two ticket on the amount of freight delivery business.
3.2 resulted in force majeure as a result of an agreement on the other side of the breach of contract, the two sides only e to force majeure as a direct result of the loss of its obligations.
3.3 as a result of third-party agreement caused a breach of the direction of the other party, the party in breach should be without delay to the non-disclosure of third-party breach of contract, breach of contract by the non-recourse to a third party, the party in breach should provide all possible assistance
Fourth, the jurisdiction and effectiveness
Agreement 4.1 People's Republic of China by law and subject to the signing of the contract to the jurisdiction of the court has jurisdiction.
4.2 Since the two sides signed an agreement or after the entry into force of the seal, is valid for one year. After the expiry of the agreement, either party requests to extend the expiration date, the agreement should be e 30 days prior to the other party in writing to apply for an extension, the other by agreement of both sides to renew this agreement.
4.3 party as a result of breach of contract with the People's Republic of China law cancel the contract situation, ahead of the other party has the right to the lifting of this Agreement.
4.4 Agreement in plicate, the two sides an armed, have the same legal effect.
PS If there is a direct English model, sharing your thoughts with us.
Ⅶ 合同中包装运输条款的英文翻译2,欢迎补充!
6.8 After the seller of goods transport proceres after three days of the notice by fax to the buyer, which reads: No. contract. Projects,. Name of the device. Number of boxes. Number. The total weight. Waybill number. No. wagon. (Car brand. Shipping, or Mail). Date of issue. Receipt by the buyer signed the way.
6.9 for the car, such as transport, the above-mentioned information. Formalities, a transportation in the first three days of notification by fax to the buyer and the other vehicle with the cargo directly to pay the buyer.
6.10 arrival of equipment will take place at:
Each of the two cases on the side adjacent to use non-fading paint marking main marked as follows:
(Contract No.)
Receiving units:
Me / Number:
Gross weight / Net Weight (kg):
Size (L 'wide' high-mm):
Categories of goods:
Unit shipments:
Note: The bulky goods shall be noted in the center of gravity and lifting focus.
6.10.1 "mid" mechanical. Electric. Instrumentation. Precision instruments. Computer. Dangerous goods. Time-sensitive goods. Spare parts or tools. Materials. Refractories, and so that the words in the box on the surface.
6.10.2 electrical equipment, instrument panel category in the box outside marked with red paint inside the front plate disk, mark it as: "is."
6.10.3 In addition to the above tag, but also all kinds of goods should be marked with water-resistant requirements. Moisture. Anti-inverted. Inflammable. Fragile. Warning markers, such as toxic.
6.10.4 exposed parts. Tied with pieces of galvanized sheet marked with the content of 6.10, including the terms of the content.
6.11 and the box tied with pieces of parts and components in bulk, the per-item should be marked with (with or without labels fading paint to write) their host name, the name of the parts and pieces of the packing list in the serial number on the map and assembly Serial number of spare parts in addition to the above-mentioned writing, still marked "prepared".
6.12 equipment inside the box should be accompanied by the following information:
A. Packing List: one-third of, content, the contract should include. Projects,. Name of the device. Specifications. Model. Number. Weight. Chart, (if the box is the disintegration of parts and components should be listed in the name of parts and components, and map ).
B. proct certification in triplicate (the original of which two copies). Equipment should be qualified to provide a certified of the original three.
C. assembly equipment (including assembly plans. Installation. Maintenance of the components required for assembly. Wiring diagram. Pipeline map) in triplicate.
D. vulnerable pieces of equipment, spare parts and equipment to map the list of spare parts in triplicate.
E. proct inspection records in triplicate.
F. above shipping box with a set of data should be placed on the first of the main box and marked with "inside information here", the other two in three working days after the shipment sent to the buyer.
Ⅷ 合同中包装运输条款的英文翻译1,欢迎补充!
Packaging and transport
6.1 In order to meet the long-distance transport. Repeatedly handling storage needs, to ensure the integrity of the safety equipment to reach the contract factories, all of the packaging equipment to secure solid, according to the national packaging standards related to the implementation of standards and design requirements.
6.2 Where the goods shipped in special transport requirements (such as temperature. Impact. Dangerous goods), the seller must pay attention to a matter of description, supplier of dangerous goods according to "mark the packaging of dangerous goods GB190-85" provisions set out in its name. Nature. Security issues such as brochures, the above-mentioned statement in the 30 days prior to delivery of equipment sent to the buyer.
6.3 for the disintegration of the need for transportation equipment, for each of their cases within the device should be accompanied by the following information: the name of the main equipment., The contract. Fig,. Disintegration of the list of components (including the name of the parts. Fig,. The number of Etc.).
6.4 for a single more than 20 tons weight or appearance size (L 'wide' high) 10m'3m'3m than in any of the large goods, the seller must deliver equipment within 30 days prior to the draft plan will form the size (marked Size appearance. Weight. Hoisting focus and attention to the matter, and so on) one-two sent to the buyer. If the car for transportation is limited to high-4m.
6.5 for spare parts. Vulnerable parts replacement. Dedicated a separate tool shipped in crates.
6.6 belong to the seller of poor packaging or marking device defects caused by the unclear, the seller is responsible for repair. To replace or supplement, and to bear the direct costs. If the buyer Baoguanbushan e to defects caused by equipment, should actively cooperate with the seller, the buyer for repair. To replace or supplement a result, the cost borne by the buyer.
6.7 the seller will be responsible for the contract to install equipment to the buyer at the scene, without affecting the installation project under the premise of the seller to determine the mode of transport at the expense of the seller take care of themselves. Charge d'affaires of the rail transport equipment and insurance, such as the use of other modes of transport should be agreed in advance with the consent of the user, freight and insurance costs borne by the buyer. Checked the seller's agent who carried equipment units resulted in the loss. Damage, according to the relevant provisions of the unit carried by the seller to negotiate the two sides actively cooperate with the common claim to do a good job of work.