當前位置:首頁 » 運費集裝 » 運費太貴英語


發布時間: 2021-03-14 13:11:08

『壹』 運費需要多少錢用英語怎麼說

How much is the freight?
How do you charge frieight?
運費: freight

『貳』 為什麼運費比以前貴這么多英文怎麼說

I'd like to find out why the shipping cost has increased so much lately (while gas prices are falling).


『叄』 英語翻譯,「運費太貴,先不買了。」不要翻譯機

The freight costs so much, I decide not to buy it now.

『肆』 運費價格貴嗎或者運費幾個高嗎 請問英文怎麼翻譯

網路輸入 在線翻譯 就OK了 把想翻譯的漢字輸入進去就能看到英譯。呵呵~~~
Freight price expensive?

『伍』 英文翻譯 你好 朋友 為什麼運費這么貴,我可能無法承受。

Hello, friend!
Why is the freight cost so high?
Maybe I can't afford.

『陸』 運費最便宜用英語怎麼說

The shipment costs the least.



『柒』 關於運費的外貿英語你知道多少

Who will bear the extra freight charges?


Please quote your current tariffs.


Freight for shipment from Shanghai to Hongkong is to be charged to your account.


The bill of lading should be marked as "freight prepaid".


Words and Phrases

transport charge 運輸費

cargo freight 運費

carriage 運費

carload rate 整車運費

carriage expense 運費

carriage free 免收運費

carriage paid 運費已付

carriage forward 運費待付

cartage 搬運

cartage note 搬運費率

Liner's freight tariff 班輪運價表

Basic Rate 基本運費率

Heavy Lift Additional 超重附加費

Over Length Additional 超長附加費

transportation expenses 運輸費用

A.V. (Ad. Val) 從價運費

cash and carry 現付自運

Freight ton 運費噸

Weight ton 重量噸

Measurement ton 尺碼噸

『捌』 價格太貴了用英語怎麼說

你好,很高興為你解答: Altough it is a little expensive, it is still very valuable. 另外,想說另一位的回答有點小問題,price 只能用high low來形容專 希望能幫上屬你,歡迎追問,滿意望採納。

『玖』 英語翻譯 請幫忙翻譯這段話:能否提供其他運輸方式,52usd的運費太貴了.

Can you provide us with other methods of delivery?US$52 for transportation is too expensive.

『拾』 「運費可能會很貴」英語怎麼說

  • 運費可能會很貴英文:Freight may be very expensive。

  • 運費

    freight;carriage; transportation expenses; fare; freightage;

    運費待收:freight to be collected;

    付運費:內pay freight;

    回程[國內]運費:home freight;

    現行運容費:the current freight;

  • 可能會

    likely;might be;

    likely:可能的;適合的;有希望的;可能;或許; 大概;多半;

    might:表示可能; 表示許可; 表示詢問情況; 力氣力量; 威力; 權;

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