當前位置:首頁 » 貨運托運 » 空運價格太高英文


發布時間: 2021-02-25 11:26:37


Air transport is fast, but the price is expensive

運費價格貴嗎或者運費幾個高嗎 請問英文怎麼翻譯

網路輸入 在線翻譯 就OK了 把想翻譯的漢字輸入進去就能看到英譯。呵呵~~~
Freight price expensive?

㈢ 實際上空運運費要比快遞運費便宜了至少一半英語

Please check the enclosed customs clearance information, and the voyage takes 3-4 days. Besides, the actual weight of air freight is only 593KG, and the freight charges are only USD 1940. I have modified the freight charges on the PI.

㈣ 因為之前的價格太高了 英文翻譯

Because of previous price is too high.

㈤ 英語翻譯 雖然時間緊,做貨期要20天,很快,船運要需要一個月。空運的話價格很高。


㈥ 要是對方報價太高英文郵件怎麼說


If the other party offer is too high

㈦ 英語翻譯:數量多的產品空運成本高

The cost of air transportation for large quantity of procts is high.

㈧ 空運費比海運費貴不多英文怎麼說

Air freight more expensive than sea freight

㈨ 求海運空運涉及的費用英文說法

海運費 ocean freight

集卡運費、短駁費 Drayage

訂艙費 booking charge

報關費 customs clearance fee

操作勞務費 labour fee or handling charge

商檢換單費 exchange fee for CIP

換單費 D/O fee

拆箱費 De-vanning charge

港雜費 port sur-charge

電放費 B/L surrender fee

沖關費 emergent declearation change

海關查驗費 customs inspection fee

待時費 waiting charge

倉儲費 storage fee

改單費 amendment charge

拼箱服務費 LCL service charge

動、植檢疫費 animal & plant quarantine fee

移動式其重機費 mobile crane charge

進出庫費 warehouse in/out charge

提箱費 container stuffing charge

滯期費 demurrage charge

滯箱費 container detention charge
卡車運費 cartage fee

商檢費 commodity inspection fee

轉運費 transportation charge

污箱費 container dirtyness change

壞箱費用 container damage charge

清潔箱費 container clearance charge

分撥費 dispatch charge

車上交貨 FOT ( free on track )

電匯手續費 T/T fee

轉境費/過境費 I/E bonded charge

空運費 air freight

機場費 air terminal charge

空運提單費 airway bill fee

FSC (燃油附加費) fuel surcharge

SCC(安全附加費) security sur-charge

抽單費 D/O fee

內裝箱費 container loading charge(including inland drayage)

疏港費 port congestion charge


場站費 CFS charge

文件費 document charge


㈩ "這種材料的體積太大了,有空運很不劃算"用英語怎麼說拒絕機譯,翻譯的好,有高賞分

The size of this type of material is too big; it is not worthwhile to send by air freight.
My previous company is dealing in lady shoes, regularly in contact with the Brazilians.
Underground money shop, money laundering.
Negotiation expert
Please be more decisive, you all drag too long in handling matters.
Are you two blood brothers? Who is the elder, who is the younger?
Can this palm computer (PDA) read English words? Can it pronoun the words?
There are 56 races in China, Mongolian is only one of them, and the largest race is the Han.
I had planned to learn another foreign language, but I don』t know which is more useful.
Idea / thought determines the future(prospect).
Hong Kong』s contribution to the rapid development of China』s economy is quite significant, especially in the seventies and the eighties. A few days ago, I learned from the papers that Hong Kong tops the world in terms of investments in China. As you know, Hong Kong is an important financial, commercial and trading center of the world, having a large group of people who are familiar with international trades.
This time the tea is the strongest and the most aromatic, I used to have one everyday before; moreover, a lot of foreigners also like to drink tea.
What kind of recreations do you all plan for after dinner? For example, foot massage, sauna, hang out in a bar, etc.
The foods of that restaurant are all steam-cooked; it uses the photograph of Bruce Lee as advertisement.
I am an active person, I cannot stay put for a while.
In China, different people have different beliefs; some belief in Buddhism, only the Christians go to the church. People in southern China are very superstitious, regularly pray to gods of the Chinese mythology, while people in the north only pray ring the Chinese New Year.

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